Patricia and Michael – South Florida Wedding


Before writing anything else, let me just say what a fantastic experience I had shooting this wedding. Michael and Patricia could not have been kinder and friendlier. I had a blast photographing the groom and his attendants getting ready and the day just got better from there.

Patricia and Michael, gorgeous on the outside, awesome on the inside! Congratulations guys!!!

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We started out at the “W” in Fort Lauderdale. It’s a good thing we had watches with alarms set to move us along, otherwise that place is a photographer’s paradise… what a gorgeous, gorgeous hotel! That, however pales in comparison to how incredibly cool Michael and his groomsmen were about the shoot. I suggested a playful mocking of the typical “Bride getting reay” shots and they were ALL FOR IT. Ok… cue the photos….

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The incredible invisible photographer:

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A pool shot…

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…and another pool shot

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Even the Church itself seemed to know love was about to be celebrated within it’s walls….

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ok, if you missed the reference above… check out the reflection of the stained glass!!!

Michael’s first glimpse of his bride…

Cruz Wedding-42 her father proudly walks her down the isle

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my favorite photo of the day: “Reflections about Love”

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The Bride may indeed have been the most beautiful woman in the world on this day… but she sure had some stiff competition:

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Some of the gorgeous details…

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The First Dance

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Patricia’s mom reacting to the toasts…

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…And Michael’s dad doing the same

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The Parent Dances…

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Tony… hard at work

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In Marie-Antoinette’s words… “Let them Have Cake!” 🙂

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Papa… Papa …. Paparazzi 🙂

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Dancing with an angel…

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2 thoughts on “Patricia and Michael – South Florida Wedding”

  1. Alessandro you did a great job! I absolutely love ALL of the photos. The groom and the groomsmen seemed to have been a lot of fun to photograph as they prepared for the wedding! I love the shot of his shoes 😉 but they are all great. Looks like a beautiful wedding and couple!

  2. VEry very nice shots
    I especially liked the one of the grooms taken in the elevator,
    If I ever find a person to marry (me)
    I’ll definitely call you!

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